11th Anniversary Medici Circle 5x7 Art Scholarship Fundraiser

Where the Wild Beasts Art!


donated time as the event photographer, for this year’s Medici 5x7 Fundraiser!

Saturday, January 12, 2019
McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center
Texas Tech Campus

Join us on Saturday, January 12, 2019 for the 11th Anniversary Medici Circle 5x7 Art Scholarship Fundraiser - Where the Wild Beasts Art! at the McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center on the Texas Tech campus.

Known as one of the most raucous parties of the year, this costume (optional) event brings festive art lovers together annually for food, wine, fun and art to support School of Art scholarships.

Each year an art movement or style from the past informs the evening's theme including the décor, the meal, and most especially as the guest costume theme (which is entirely optional).

This year's theme celebrates the wildly fun and colorful art of Fauvism made famous by French artist practitioners – Henri Matisse, Georges Rouault, André Derain and others. They were called "wild beasts" for their vibrant use of color and expressive form. The Fauve's vibrant color has been combined with the wonderfully playful creatures from Maurice Sendak's, Where the Wild Things Are to create this year's theme.

The festivities begin at 6:30 PM with an open bar preview of the 5x7 artworks and live auction items. A special sit-down meal begins at 7:30 PM, with the live auction taking place soon after the meal. That will be followed by the famous 5x7 "art grab" in which several hundred artworks, each 5 x 7 inches and donated by students, faculty, alumni, and local and national artists with close ties to Texas Tech School of Art, are snapped up for cool price of only $75 each.


Henri Matisse
Table Sponsor (8 persons): $3,500 | charitable = $2,800
4 certificates for free 5x7 artworks and a private champagne preview with 5x7 artist donors, before the dinner. Your name and/or company logo will be published in the event brochure and mentioned in all press and social media for the event.

André Derain
Table Sponsor (8 persons): $2,500 | charitable = $1,950
2 certificates for free 5x7 artworks and a private champagne preview with 5x7 artist donors, before the dinner. Your name and/or company logo will be published in the event brochure and mentioned in all press and social media for the event.

Georges Rouault
Table Sponsor (8 persons): $1,200 | charitable = $800
A private champagne preview reception with 5x7 artist donors, before the dinner. Your name and/or company logo will be published in the event brochure and mentioned in all press and social media for the event.

Tickets: $150 | charitable = $100
A seat for the 5x7 dinner.

All tickets include an open bar, a three course meal, and after dinner entertainment.