panel on race & criminality.

May 2017 FFAT: organized & curated (w/ TTU Graduate English Candidates) a very powerful event, feat. artwork & poetry readings, a panel, & more

Michael Borshuk's English 5327: "Freedom is a Constant Struggle": Contemporary African American Voices on Race and Injustice, staged a panel discussion & reading on race & criminality at Lubbock's First Friday Art Trail. It was a memorable night, thanks to all who attended.

grateful for everyone who came out to Studio for FFAT in May, & esp. for all the engaging & moving conversations about race & criminality & injustice that came from such a powerful reading & panel by some of my favorite people. thank you thank you thank you x a million for starting the conversation with the community & making such a impactful event for all to engage in (it was packed the whole night, these few snapshots, don't fully show the thousands that showed up & were moved last night) 

May's First Friday Art Trail at Studio 4 will feature artworks by Victoria Marie Bee, & have prints & more for sale by Dust Devil Press, Whimsy Daze, Q Ave Press, & many others.

7pm - 8pm, the event "A Push Out into Open Air: A Conversation on Criminality" will take place, a collaboration with graduate students in Texas Tech University's English Department:

As part of the First Friday Art Trail experience, please join us for a provocative conversation on race, injustice, and privilege. We will host a panel discussion that includes a reading of works from various contemporary writers such as Michelle Alexander and Reginald Dwayne Betts. We invite you to engage perceptions of the justice system and all those affected by it. 

In addition to our panel discussion, posters promoting the event will be available for purchase & donations will be taken to support the East Lubbock Community Alliance.

