“It’s All About Prints”
Fine Arts Building- Levelland Campus
Curated by Kristy Kristinek, featuring artists: Dirk Fowler, Victoria Marie Bee, Chris Adams, Candy Splinterz, & Cari Caldwell Natividad!
photos & exhibit card by Kristy Kristinek
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“It’s All About Prints”
Fine Arts Building- Levelland Campus
Curated by Kristy Kristinek, featuring artists: Dirk Fowler, Victoria Marie Bee, Chris Adams, Candy Splinterz, & Cari Caldwell Natividad!
photos & exhibit card by Kristy Kristinek
all the gratitude & absolutely in love with this sculpture that Jon Whitfill made & gifted to me! ♥️📚✨ he’s one of my most favorite people & mega talented, & you should definitely check out his instagram/website/gallery to see more of his fantastic pieces (&, FOR SURE add one to your collection!) ✨✨✨ oh y’all, I’m so grateful! * &, stay tuned & 🤞🏻 for some exciting news in the future, re: where a photograph I made of another one of his artworks is headed... *
in May 2019, two of my absolute favorites drew yours truly, in pencil only, for a fundraiser to help CASP build more studios for artists. I’m in awe & gratitude of their talents, friendship, & love. thank you, Ghislaine & Lando Fremaux-Valdez for rendering me in graphite, for an amazing place, & your love on the daily 💙💙💙.
this has been a year of trauma & healing, & this piece was made at a point that I needed it most, even if I didn’t realize it at the time. thank you Ghi & Lando, for giving me strength & being there during the darkest & the lightest of times. love, always & forever, for the people who can see you & love you & lift you.
want to say more, but that’s all that I can in this public place at this time. working every day to change the arts for the better during my time here, & also on myself always. XO.
just finished printing CASP CREW shirts for our fellowship artists & others who work at casp, special thanks to Eddie Grisby for building the base for the sleeve printing & also helping me finish the printing today! looking so good, excited to get these to everyone!
[June 2020]
check out this feature on CASP in a special issue of Lubbock Senior Link Magazine! hot off the press, May 2020
written by Victoria Marie Bee, & with thanks to Charles Adams, Chad Plunket, Ghislaine Fremaux, & Jon Whitfill for contributing (&, all that you do!)