first friday art trail gratitude February 4, 2019 victoria marie bee ❤️☕️💋• lots of gratitude to everyone who came out to #FirstFridayArtTrail& picked up a print / watched / kids that helped me live print lots! esp. to Victoria Isett & Alyssa DeHoyos & insta-less Karly for running my print tables while I was printing, & Chad Plunket & Charles Adams Studio Project - CASP & a grant from the city of lubbock for making this possible! &&&, LOVED music being played by Paloma Palop & Miette Esteb, DJs from KTXT - The Raider 88.1 🎶 warm good vibes this morning with my records on & with my fav French Truck Coffee 💋✨#letterpressforever @vbee instagram